Monday, December 20, 2010

CAAC - Passengers Have the Most Complaints on the Services When a Flight is Delayed

The consumers' business center of Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC) published the users' appraisal in 2008 recently. The data showed in all of the services of CAAC, passengers have the most complaints on the service when a flight is delayed.

On all of the appraisals of services of airline companies, the service on the air is now the top, no.2 is air ticket selling service; the passengers appraisals are low on the service on ground and when a flight is delayed. The service items that the passengers hope to be improved are: information communications when a flight is delayed, the space between two seats, the variety and number of the food served in the air, getting luggages on destination and so on.

According the statistics, the user's satisfaction degree is 69.9 points in 2008.The users and passengers are basically satisfied with the services of CAAC. If a passenger encounters an unfair case when he takes to the plane, through what channels can he maintain his rights? How can he do that?

On August 15th ,the principal in CAAC told to the reporter, CAAC has private department in charge of this. CAAC released The Administration Regulation on Public Aviation Transportation Services Consumer Complaint. When a passenger complain to related department, it can be dealt with according this regulation. In recent years, the complaint cases CAAC receives each year has exceed 1000.The related departments of CAAC will take each case seriously: they will reply to each invalid complaint, and deal with each valid complaint.

There is another channel for passengers to maintain their rights, that is, "passenger talk to CAAC" services quality appraisal activities that CAAC has carried out for consecutive 15 years. When passengers take flights China, they can fill in the form of "passenger talk to CAAC", and express their opinions. Besides, CAAC has established CAAC consumers' business website, carry out online services quality investigation, transact online complaints. This is the convenient channel for CAAC consumers to maintain their rights.

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